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What is Wrong With Our Culture – Alan Watts

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“Why is it that we don’t seem to be able to adjust ourselves to the physical environment without destroying it?” Alan Watts is the man who basically introduced eastern philosophy such as Buddhism to the western world. This address was given in the 1970s, but is just as relevant today.

Mindbending Paper Sculptures will Make You Question Reality

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Chinese artist Li Hongbo creates these amazing works of art, pulling his inspiration from traditional Chinese toys known as paper gourds, which are folded honeycombed paper which is stored flat and can be pulled out into geometric shapes.

Fake FBI Identity Cards For Under $20 – The Underground Thai Fake Document Vendors

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But getting a fake ID is pretty hard right? Or at least getting one that can pass a detailed inspection? Wrong. On the streets of Bangkok, vendors up and down the crowded street display hundreds of different fake ID cards – and despite being illegal under Thai law, business is good – especially among young backpackers.